
Her finner du alle rapporter i rapportserien og overvåkningsprogrammene, samt de årlige rapportene zoonoserapporten og NORM-VET. En systematisk oversikt over våre overvåkingsprogrammer finner du også her.


1 - 2024: Risk based health monitoring of wild finfish in Norway 2023
2 - 2024: LuseKontroll: Statistisk modellering av kontrollstrategier for lakselus
4 - 2024: The surveillance programme for infectious salmon anaemia virus HPR0 (ISAV HPR0)
in Norway 2023
6 - 2024: Nefrokalsinose og hemorragisk smoltsyndrom: Årsakssammenhenger og muligheter for forebygging, (STONEHUNT) - Sluttrapport FHF prosjekt 901588
8a - 2024: Fiskehelserapporten 2023
8b - 2024: Norwegian Fish Health Report 2023
9 - 2024: Sluttrapport Rapport 9 - 2024 “FRA RØD TIL GRØNN KYST“ Kunnskapsinnhenting for bærekraftig omstilling av havbruksaktiviteten i Vestland
11 - 2024: The surveillance programme for viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS) and infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN) in Norway 2023
12 - 2024: Årsrapport 2023
13 - 2024: The surveillance programme for methicillin
resistant Staphylococcus aureus in pigs in
Norway 2023
14 - 2024: Fallviltundersøkelser - fredede fuglearter Rapport over undersøkt fallvilt og fallviltets dødsårsak i 2023
15 - 2024: Referansefunksjoner - årsrapport 2023
16 - 2024: The surveillance programme for Gyrodactylus salaris in Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout in Norway 2023
17 - 2024: The post-treatment surveillance programme for Gyrodactylus salaris in Norway 2023
18 - 2024: Gytefisktellinger i Hollaelva 2023
19 - 2024: Geoelementanalyse av skjell fra gjedde fanget i Gillsvannet 2023
20 - 2024: Helseovervåkingsprogrammet for vilt (ViltHOP) 2023
21 - 2024: The surveillance programme for Campylobacter spp. in broiler flocks in Norway 2023
22 - 2024: Dyrehelserapporten 2023
23 - 2024: The surveillance programme for resistance in salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) in Norway 2023
24 - 2024: The surveillance programme for feed and feed materials for terrestrial animals in Norway 2023 – Mycotoxins and fungi
25 - 2024: The surveillance programme for Aphanomyces astaci in Norway 2023
28 - 2024: The surveillance programme for bluetongue in Norway 2023
29 - 2024: The surveillance programme for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in free ranging and captive cervids in Norway 2023
30 - 2024: The surveillance programme for bovine virus diarrhoea (BVD) in Norway 2023
31 - 2024: The surveillance programme for enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) in Norway 2023ebl
32 - 2024: The surveillance programme for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) and infectious pustular vulvovaginitis (IPV) in Norway 2023
33 - 2024: The surveillance programme for Salmonella spp. in live animals, eggs and meat in Norway 2023
34 - 2024: The surveillance programme for Brucella abortus in cattle in Norway in 2023
2024: Genmodifisering i mat, fôr og såvarer 2022
35 - 2024: The surveillance programme for Echinococcus multilocularis in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Norway 2023
36 - 2024: The surveillance programme for avian influenza (AI) in poultry in Norway 2023
37 - 2024: The surveillance programme for bovine tuberculosis in Norway 2023
38 - 2024: The Norwegian Zoonoses Report 2023
39 - 2024: The surveillance programme for infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) and avian rhinotracheitis (ART) in poultry in Norway 2023
40 - 2024: The surveillance programme for avian influenza (AI) in Norwegian wildlife 2023
41 - 2023: The surveillance programme for specific viral infections in swine herds in Norway 2023
42 - 2023: Reetablering av laks og sjøørret i Raumaregionen i årene 2015-2023 etter kjemisk bekjempelse av Gyrodactylus salaris
56 - 2024: Etablering og drift av pukkellaksfelle i Tanavassdraget 2023 


1 - 2023: Bekjempelse av den regionalt fremmede arten gjedde (Esox lucius) i Gillsvannet, Kristiansand
2 - 2023: Avian influenza in poultry in Norway 2022
3 - 2023: Rapport over undersøkt fallvilt og fallviltets dødsårsak i 2022
4 - 2023: Hold av ender, gjess og vaktler: Naturlige behov og andre forhold av betydning for dyrevelferden
5a - 2023: Fiskehelserapporten 2022
5b - 2023: Norwegian Fish Health Report 2022
6 - 2023: The surveillance programme for resistance in salmon lice in Norway 2022
7 - 2023: The surveillance programme for infectious salmon anaemia virus HPR0 (ISAV HPR0) in Norway 2022
8 - 2023: The surveillance programme for methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in pigs in Norway 2022
9 - 2023: Helseovervåkingsprogrammet for vilt (ViltHOP) 2022
10 - 2023: Risk based health monitoring of wild finfish in Norway 2022
11 - 2023: Referansefunksjoner - årsrapport 2022
12 - 2023: Shigatoksin-produserende Escherichia coli i hvetemel 2021
13 - 2023: The surveillance programme for Campylobacter spp. in broiler flocks in Norway 2022
14 - 2023: Kartlegging og overvåking av skrantesjuke (chronic wasting disease - CWD) 2022
15 - 2023: The surveillance programme for viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS) and infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN) in Norway 2022
16 - 2023: Årsrapport 2022
17 - 2023: The surveillance programme for feed and feed materials for terrestrial animals in Norway 2022 – Mycotoxins, fungi and bacteria
18 - 2023: The surveillance programme for Salmonella spp. in live animals, eggs and meat in Norway 2022
19 - 2023: Dyrehelserapporten 2022
20 - 2023: The surveillance programme for Gyrodactylus salaris in Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout in Norway 2022
21 - 2023: The post-treatment surveillance programme for Gyrodactylus salaris in Norway 2022
23 - 2023: Emamektinbenzoat mot lakselus
25 - 2023: The surveillance programme for Aphanomyces astaci in Norway 2022 and evaluation of disease freedom in Buåa watercourse
28 - 2023: Patogene Yersinia enterocolitica i spiseferdige næringsmidler og hele spiseferdige vegetabiler
29 - 2023: Zoonoserapporten 2022
31 - 2023: The surveillance programme for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in free ranging and captive cervids in Norway 2022
32 - 2023: Risikomodell for kvantifisering av luseindusert dødelighet på villaks for 2023
33 - 2023: The surveillance programme for avian influenza (AI) in wild birds in Norway 2022
34 - 2023: The surveillance programme for Brucella abortus in cattle in Norway in 2022
35 - 2023: The surveillance programme for bovine virus diarrhoea (BVD) in Norway 2022
36 - 2023: The surveillance programme for enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) in Norway 2022
37 - 2023: The surveillance programme for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) and infectious pustular vulvovaginitis (IPV) in Norway 2022
38 - 2023: The surveillance programme for Schmallenberg virus (SBV) in Norway 2022
39 - 2023: The surveillance programme for specific viral infections in swine herds in Norway 2022
43 - 2023: The surveillance programme for bluetongue
in Norway 2022

44 - 2023:The surveillance programme for bovinespongiform encephalopathy (BSE) inNorway 2022
45 - 2023: The surveillance programme for bovinetuberculosis in Norway 2022
46 - 2023: The surveillance programme for scrapie
in Norway 2022

55 - 2023: The surveillance programme for infectious
laryngotracheitis (ILT) and avian rhinotracheitis (ART) in poultry in Norway 2022