Torfinn Moldal
Fiskehelseansvarlig, Havbruk, villfisk og velferd
Jeg er utdanna veterinær og har jobba med beredskap, diagnostikk, forskning og overvåking innen ulike fagområder og seksjoner på Veterinærinstituttet siden 2000. Fra 1. januar 2023 er jeg fagansvarlig fiskehelse.
- Fagområder:
- Molekylærbiologi, Virologi
- Vis telefonnummer
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- Biosikkerhetstiltak mot ILA i settefisk (ILA-SAFE) (FHF prosjekt 901674)
- Fiskehelserapporten 2023
- Referansefunksjon - årsrapport 2023
- Norwegian Fish Health Report 2022
- Fiskehelserapporten 2022
- Referansefunksjoner - årsrapport 2022
- Report on the Norwegian-Mongolian mission NOR-MON-HEALTH
- Smittemodell for ILAV HPR0
- Annual Health monitoring of anadromous salmonids 2016
- Referansefunksjoner - årsrapport 2021
- Norwegian Fish Health Report 2023
- Overvåking av patogent infeksiøs lakseanemivirus (ILAV HPRdel) i restriksjonssoner i Norge i 2022
Vitenskapelige artikler
- DNA glycosylase Neil2 contributes to genomic responses in the spleen during clinical prion disease
- Developing an experimental necrotic enteritis model in turkeys - the impact of Clostridium perfringens, Eimeria meleagrimitis and host age on frequency of severe intestinal lesions
- Piscine orthoreovirus‐3 is prevalent in wild seatrout (Salmo trutta L.) in Norway
- First Detection of Chronic Wasting Disease in a Wild Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) in Europe
- Molecular Epidemiology and Evolution of European Bat Lyssavirus 2
- Ectopic epithelial cell clusters in salmonid intestine are associated with inflammation
- Dietary Deoxynivalenol (DON) May Impair the Epithelial Barrier and Modulate the Cytokine Signaling in the Intestine of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar).
- Effects of dietary deoxynivalenol or ochratoxin A on performance and selected health indices in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
- First detection of European bat lyssavirus type 2 (EBLV-2) in Norway
- A survey of salmon gill poxvirus (SGPV) in wild salmonids in Norway