Unni Grimholt
Seniorforsker, Forskning fiskehelse
- Fagområder
- Fôrtrygghet, Immunologi, Molekylærbiologi
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- Discovery of a Novel MHC Class I Lineage in Teleost Fish which Shows Unprecedented Levels of Ectodomain Deterioration while Possessing an Impressive Cytoplasmic Tail Motif
- An Illumina approach to MHC typing of Atlantic salmon
- Whole genome duplications have provided teleosts with many roads to peptide loaded MHC class I molecules
- Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) fragment numbers alone – in Atlantic cod and in general - do not represent functional variability
- Issues with RNA-Seq analysis in non-model organisms: a Salmonid example
- Conservation of sequence motifs suggests that the nonclassical MHC class I lineages CD1/ PROCR and UT were established before the emergence of tetrapod species
- MHC and Evolution in Teleosts
- The Atlantic salmon genome provides insights into rediploidization
- Chemokine receptors in Atlantic salmon
- A comprehensive analysis of teleost MHC class I sequences