David A. Strand
Forsker, Forskning fiskehelse
- Fagområder
- Miljø-DNA, Molekylærbiologi
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Vitenskapelige artikler
- Microcystin profiles in European noble crayfish Astacus astacus and water in Lake Steinsfjorden, Norway
- Molecular detection of Aphanomyces astaci – an improved species specific qPCR assay
- The circulating plasma metabolome of Neoparamoeba perurans-infected Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
- Mucosal immune and stress responses of Neoparamoeba perurans-infected Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) treated with peracetic acid shed light on the host-parasite-oxidant interactions
- qPCR screening for Yersinia ruckeri clonal complex 1 against a background of putatively avirulent strains in Norwegian aquaculture
- Regulation of the molecular repertoires of oxidative stress response in the gills and olfactory organ of Atlantic salmon following infection and treatment of the parasite Neoparameoba perurans
- Exploring the eDNA dynamics of the host-pathogen pair Pacifastacus leniusculus (Decapoda) and Aphanomyces astaci (Saprolegniales) under experimental conditions
- Expanding ecological assessment by integrating microorganisms into routine freshwater biomonitoring
- Miljø-DNA sporing av Yersinia ruckeri hos norsk oppdrettslaks
- Simultaneous detection of native and invasive crayfish and Aphanomyces astaci from environmental DNA samples in a wide range of habitats in Central Europe