Vi har besøk av professor Jim Pestka fra Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Michigan State University, US. Han er en sentral ekspert på helseeffekter av mykotoksiner.
Seminar: Mould and mycotoxins: toxicological important problems for society?
- Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen, Veterinærinstituttet: Role of mould/mycotoxins exposure in agriculture (20 min)
- Anne Halstensen, STAMI: Human health problems related to mould/mycotoxins exposure (20 min)
- Jørn A. Holme, FHI: Role of inflammation and cell death induced by mould/mycotoxin (20 min)
- Coffe and sandwich (20 min)
- Jim Pestka, US: Mechanisms for anorexia and growth suppression by deoxynivalenol and other 8-ketotrichothecenes: New considerations for risk assessment (45 min)
- Anita Solhaug, Veterinærinstituttet: Toxic effects of alternariol and possible mechanisms involved (15 min)
- Doreen Ndossi, NVH: Mycotoxins as endocrine disruptors (15 min)
- Jan Alexander, FHI: Mould and mycotoxins: Identification of knowledge gaps (15 min)
Sted: Fellesauditoriet, FA-bygget på Adamstua. FA-bygget ligger på hjørnet mellom Theresesgate og Ullevaalsveien. Inngang fra Vestibylen mellom Mattilsynet og NVH/VI.
Tid: Fredag 19. august 2011, kl 12-15
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