HENVINET: Healt and Environment Network

To protect the health of populations and individuals, policies need to integrate environmental and health issues. The aim of HENVINET is to support such informed policy making.

HENVINET will review, exploit and disseminate knowledge on environmental health issues based on research and practices, for wider use by relevant stakeholders. Further, it will lead to validation of tools and results with emphasis on the four priority health endpoints of the EHAP 2004-2010, and will provide structured information overview that may be utilized by other actors relevant to Environment and Health Strategy.

Building on activities such as AirNET, CLEAR, PINCHE, INTARESE and SCALE, HENVINET will collect, structure and evaluate new material and present it in a consistent manner, which will lend itself to transparency and identification of knowledge gaps.

HENVINET will establish an overview of results, activities, projects and tools existing in Europe and will promote stakeholder networking through workshops and conferences. Knowledge, best practices and decision support tools will be reviewed to allow wider exploitation by the relevant stakeholders such as policy makers. Recognizing that dissemination of knowledge, best practices and decision support tools is crucial in supporting the implementation of the European EHAP, the project will define ways to disseminate information in collaboration with main stakeholders, with emphasis on the needs of users of information, more than of those producing it. To allow for efficient data gathering, information exchanges, and targeted dissemination, the project will utilize state-of-the-art internet solutions and methodologies. To further promote interactions with stakeholders and relevant international organisations, an external Reference group will be set up.

NVI was responsible leader for the work related to effects of endocrine disrupting compounds (Topic leader), a work that was carried out in close cooperation with Norwegian School of Veterinary Science. NVI also contributed as expert in work related to asthma and allergy.

Homepage: www.henvinet.eu (Portal) and www.henvinet.nilu.no (project)

Coordinator: Norwegian Institute of Air Research, Norway


  • National Veterinary Institute, Norway
  • 31 other partners (see project website)

Total cost € 3217511
EC contribution € 3127122


Grant agreement no: 070319
EU Prosjekter