Research groups

Fish Health Research Section

Infectious waterborne diseases challenge sustainable aquaculture production, compromise fish health and welfare, and threaten wild aquatic animals. The Fish Health Research Group aims to understand and contribute to solutions for existing and emerging health problems in aquatic animals, specifically fish and crayfish, in nature and aquaculture.

Chemistry and Toxinology

Toxinology is the area of science that deals with the chemistry and mode of action of a biotoxin, the biology of the toxin producing organism, and the use and ecological role of these compounds. The Toxinology Group is mainly dealing with fungi (mycology) and mycotoxins, toxins from marine and freshwater algae (phycotoxins) and allergens. 

Animal Welfare

The welfare of animals has become an important issue in society.  Animal Welfare is a broad concept covering how well animals cope with their environment: that they are healthy, get satisfaction for behavioural needs and experience positive emotions, throughout their lives. The Animal Welfare Research group deals with both terrestrial and aquatic animals.

Antimicrobial Resistance

The development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacteria is becoming a major global threat. The Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NVI) is both national reference laboratory and responsible for national monitoring on AMR in animals, food and feeding stuffs. This, together with a highly skilled staff, certified laboratories, and extensive national and international cooperation, provides an excellent basis for our extensive AMR research.