Air, Land and Water - A One Health Seminar

The Norwegian Veterinary Institute and NMBU invite you to a joint One Health Day seminar 3rd of November, the international day for One Health. The program span virus, bacteria, parasites, immunology and plant health – a true One Health cocktail. See full program below. Use the following link to register.

Den internasjonale Én helse-dagen - "One Health Day» svarer på det presserende behovet for en helhetlig og tverrfaglig Én Helse-tilnærming til å løse dagens kritiske globale helseutfordringer. Det er et betimelig initiativ som gir forskere og talsmenn en kraftig stemme til å se nye smittsomme sykdommer, antimikrobiell resistens, klimaendringer, miljøforurensning og mange andre problemer, i et mer mer helhetlig perspektiv og med en mer global og samhandlende tilnærming. Seminaret foregår på engelsk. 

One Health Day answers the urgent need for a One Health trans-disciplinary approach towards solving today’s critical global health challenges. It is a timely initiative that gives scientists and advocates a powerful voice for moving beyond current provincial approaches to emerging infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, climate change, environmental pollution, and many other problems, to a holistic default way of doing business.” (

The seminar will be held in english.


Moderator: Lucy Robertson (NMBU)

“Leptospirosis – a One Health problem in Norway?”
– Sabrina Rodriguez-Campos (NMBU) –  

“Into the wild – Cryptosporidium in Mice and Men”
– Karin Troell (Norwegian Veterinary Institute) –

“African swine fever: Not a zoonosis – still a great impact on human health”
–  Karin Olofsson-Sannö (SVA, Sweden) –

“Plant health in a One Health perspective”
–  Marianne Stenrød (NIBIO) –

“Human comparative medicine as a model for fish health research”
– Leo Chellappa (Norwegian Veterinary Institute) –

Register for the seminar here 

One Health Day is an international campaign co-coordinated by the One Health Commission, the One Health Initiative Autonomous pro bono Team and the One Health Platform Foundation. The goal of One Health Day is to bring attention around the world to the need for One Health interactions and for the world to ‘see them in action’. (read more at

Elizabeth Stephansensvei 15, 1431 Ås
3. november 2023, kl. 09.00 - 11.00