Anne Bang Nordstoga
Veterinær, forsker, Virologi, immunologi og parasittologi
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- Bakteriologi, Diagnostikk, Husdyrhelse, Serologi
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Vitenskapelige artikler
- Development of a Bead-Based Multiplex Fluorescent Immunoassay to Detect Antibodies against Maedi-Visna Virus in Sheep
- Challenges using serological diagnostics in elimination of visna/maedi: Serological results from two outbreaks in Norwegian sheep
- Evaluation of three commercial ELISA tests for serological detection of maedi-visna virus using Bayesian latent class analysis
- Spread of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli ST117 O78: H4 in Nordic broiler production
- Streptococcus agalactiae in the environment of bovine dairy herds – rewriting the textbooks?
- Infeksjon med Clostridium perfringens type C (tarmbrann) hos gris – Gruppe B-sjukdom
- Tularaemia in Norwegian dogs
- Finnes Chlamydophila abortus (enzootisk abort) hos sau i Norge?