Mapping opportunities for cooperation in Tanzania

Mapping opportunities for cooperation in Tanzania

As a partner with NORAD's Knowledge Bank, the Norwegian Veterinary Institute wishes to contribute to projects that NORAD wants to establish abroad. A group from the Norwegian Veterinary Institute visited Morogoro in Tanzania 10.-13. October, including the veterinary faculty at the Sokoine University (SUA), to explore the possibilities for future cooperation.

-NORAD (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation) has established a programme to support land-based food systems, and the Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NVI) has been asked to map the possibilities for future cooperation with various actors in several African countries, says director of Research and Internationalization Carlos das Neves.

The NVI has already established cooperation plans with various institutions in Malawi and Ethiopia, and now possible future joint initiatives with potential partners in Tanzania are being explored.

The Norwegian Veterinary Institute and NORAD focus on aspects related to the development of sustainable surveillance systems, diagnostic tools and infection control in the milk and meat value chains, to improve animal health and welfare, increase production in these industries, ensure safe food and contribute to increased food security, says das Neves.

-This could also be a unique opportunity for our researchers in Norway to learn from African colleagues about managing disease outbreaks, thereby strengthening our preparedness for new health threats, adds das Neves.

We have made a video in connection with the visit to Sokoine University in Morogoro. Here, Carlos das Neves talks about the purpose of the visit to Tanzania and the importance of potential cooperation. We also talk to Dr. Coletha Mathew, associate professor at SUA, who completed her PhD at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) in Norway in 2017, under co-supervision by the NVI.

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