Carlos das Neves new president of the International Wildlife Disease Association

Carlos das Neves new president of the International Wildlife Disease Association

Carlos das Neves, director for research and internationalisation at the Norwegian Veterinary Institute will be the new president of the International Wildlife Disease Association.

Carlos das Neves, director for research and internationalisation at the Norwegian Veterinary Institute will be the new president of the International Wildlife Disease Association. Photo: Eivind Røhne

Carlos das Neves has been elected this April as the next President of the Wildlife Disease Association, an international association with more than 1500 members across all continents which mission is acquire, disseminate, and apply knowledge of the health and diseases of wild animals in relation to their biology, conservation, and interactions with humans and domestic animals.

The association is well represented in Scandinavia with 50 members, 15 of which in Norway.

- WDA is a big family of among others veterinarians, biologists, ecologists, managers, researchers, who share in common a passion for wildlife and the important role wildlife has in the future of our planet. Being given the trust to lead this group of people is without doubt a huge honour for me”, says Carlos das Neves.

das Neves has been in the board of the association for the past 5 years (3 years as secretary and 2 now as Vice-President), and will start his 2 years term as President from August 10th 2019.

This is also the first time a WDA member from Norway/Portugal takes up the Presidency of the association.

Read more about WDA >

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